
Horses in the East Bohemia

Welcome in a horses area

East Bohemia region, which is known as a paradise for horses and those who love them, is full of features which cannot be found anywhere else in the Czech Republic. You can cheer, rejoice and even have a flutter at the  Pardubice Racecourse. The facility is home to the Velká Pardubická Steeplechase. Its fame and demanding character have made it one of the most prestigious steeplechases in Europe. If you are not a fan of the hustle and bustle of horse racing, you should definitely visit the National Stud at Kladruby nad Labem (UNESCO). Its baroque stables are home to an original Czech breed of horse: the Kladruber. The purpose of these noble creatures is purely ceremonial and even today they still serve at some European royal courts.  Your travels on the track of the horses’ hooves should definitely also include Slatiňany. Horses are closer to the heart of this small town than you might think. It is home to a stud which breeds black Kladruber horses. The Slatiňany Chateau, with its unique world-class horse museum is but a stone’s throw away. The Švýcárna – Museum of the Kladruber Horse is tailormade for younger and older visitors alike. Its facilities are interspersed with interactive exhibitions, including the option of saddling up the largest plush horse in the Czech Republic. And, if you are overcome with the desire to wander through the countryside and enjoy direct contact with horses, be sure to make use of the horse-riding trails and ranch visits. So pluck up your courage, pack your bags and set off for East Bohemia - the region of horses!

Do you want to see it?

Enjoy the video HERE.

East Bohemia, Czech Republic = Horses

Racecourse Pardubice

Racecourse Pardubice

The National Stud at Kladruby nad Labem (UNESCO)

The National Stud at Kladruby nad Labem (UNESCO)

Chateau Slatiňany

Chateau Slatiňany

National stud Slatiňany

National stud Slatiňany

Švýcárna Slatiňany museum

Švýcárna Slatiňany museum

Riding Facilities

Riding Facilities


Events calendar


Svod haflingů


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